
Monday, January 10, 2011

Snowy Day 2

Well, it's officially a snow day. Classes were canceled as of yesterday afternoon, but I had planned on working today. Such was not my luck. My car is great in the summer, but in winter it's a different story. The poor thing has an engine about the size of, oh, a lawnmower and can barely get around in heavy snow. So this morning, with high hopes, I ventured outside to un-bury the thing to go to work. I made it all of six inches before it got stuck. So I called in to let work know I won't be going anywhere until my street is plowed, which probably won't be until tonight since it's still snowing. So my plan for the day is doing some homework for my online course, Women of the Great Plains, and do some cleaning.

That's my car looking all pathetic in the snow.

Views from my back porch of the snow. Also, UNL just announced that tomorrow's classes are canceled as well. I really hope that I'll be able to move my car by tomorrow! Well, you'll probably be hearing from me later today.

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